
Practical Inspiration for Your Unique Pharmacy+Alt Career

The Magazine

Our vision and mission:
To be the foremost source of byte-sized inspiration, practical knowledge and strategies for pharmacists to envision and develop joy-filled careers in alignment with their unique strengths, their values, and their goals for their different life seasons.
We embody the Ubuntu philosophy of a shared humanity —recognizing that we all succeed together.If you identify with any aspects of intersectionality that you think may be slowing you down, the pages of Career-Rx will help you see that you can have or create your own path in a way that works well for you.

Need a Career Consult?

If you need an empathetic listening ear, or a guide (your own career journey sherpa) to help you articulate and design paths that you would like to explore, then you've come to the right place.We will work together on a holistic process of career-pathing tailored to your identified unique strengths and propensities.

The Founder

Otito Iwuchukwu, or Dr O, as she's fondly called embodies the essence of the Pharmacy+Alt movement.After obtaining her pharmacy degree, she worked as a hospital pharmacist and also as a management consultant before following a continuous learning path through graduate and post-graduate school.As a result of leaning into her strengths and abilities and having strategized with many female pharmacy professionals to help them conceptualize their unique strengths, she went back and earned a degree in Organizational Psychology.As a career coach, she helps clients match their unique strengths with career areas and directions they want to explore in addition to helping them articulate and optimize contributions to their current organizations.

The Inspiration

Career-Rx is the product of a chimeric idea — birthed from the fusion of two central life philosophies:1. Seeing a vacuum or a gap may mean that you're the one uniquely positioned to bring a solution.2. Waiting for permission or validation could result in loss of a timely opportunity to make a difference in others' lives.At Career-Rx, because we believe in action born out of inspiration—our magazine not only features women and men succeeding in Pharmacy+Alt career paths, you also get practical tools and guidance to help you actualize and optimize your own identified career goals.That's the promise!

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